1220*2440mm18mmformworkshuttering marine film faced plywood price FILM FACpaper sizeD PLYWOOD1.Nonwapping,nulla fractura,non ex forma,manere potest24horas in aqua calientibus. 2.Good performance and more turnover use time. 3.facile est auferre membranum;Tempus solus est1/7pellium....
18mmgreen pp plastic coated plywood formwork for construction
1.The largest size of the film faced plywood is1250x2500mm,quod poterat diminuere numerum lignorum et crescere effectivitatem opus. 2.pessimum,It is'magis ad altum-aedificationem et pontem aedificationem. 3.Plus quam25times if used and stocked correctly,quod pretium multum salvare potest. 4.Yüklemek için kullanılan yüzeyi yumuşak ve güzel tutabilir.,et vos'secundo murum plasteri oportet,quoniam directo decorati potest quod tempus aedificationis diminuere potest30%. 5.Non polluet faciem concrete,verumtamen ferrum forma habet defectum rustis et erosivis,etc. 6.It is good for construction in winter that it can be used as template for curved surface. 7.melior est quam bamboo plywood et parvus plywood steel in terms of nailing,ferentes et fluentes.It can be processed to template with all shapes according to needs.