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Plywood is a set of sheets usually made of vertical sheets in the direction of adjacent layers of wood,generic symmetrically configured on the center layer or on both sides of the core.
Plywood is made of three or more layers of one millimeter thick single board or thin sheet adhesive heat.
Platae communes habent plywood,tabula particularum,fiberboard intermediae densitate,tunc in novissimo eligere quam genus plateae est?What are the advantages of plywood to other sheets?
Plywood est unus ex omnibus vasis in vita nostra cotidie et unus ex tres artificiis.Plywood est tres-layer or multi-lapidem ingenuitatem lignorum,
Plywood aedificium saepe in vita utilitur,non solum in decoratione domus utilisar potest,sed etiam in templo concrete utili potest,
Plywood est tres-layer or multi-absque ligno ligno et ligno ligno in ligno tincto,tunc adhesive conclusit.
Plywood production surface furniture,in custodiente usus special attention should be paid,quia pulchra cum conpleta,
Plywood est type of artificial board is also one of the commonly used materials in furniture,quoniam pulchra est singula pulchra fibre orientatio ligaminis vertical is
As one of the commonly used materials in furniture,Plywood improving the utilization rate of wood and is an important viato save wood.
Plywood a multiple single is formed-layer plywood presses,Bu yüzden sıcak basının thermal basıncı ve sıcak basıncı sıcaklığın kalitesine önemli bir etkisi var..