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What Are The Advantages of Plywood To Other Sheets?

2023-11-16 14:13:57

Platae communes habent plywood,tabula particularum,fiberboard intermediae densitate,tunc in novissimo eligere quam genus plateae est?What are the advantages of plywood to other sheets?

Sequentes detalios:

First,primum,ex composicio suo.Plywood est una tabula tres aut multi-layer staggered textures bonded together by adhesive;tabula particulae in folium per partem particulae pulsat;media-densitate fibre e separatione fibrerum facta est.

Obviously plywood has a thinner,composition.

Secunda,et tunc a nudo oculo.Plywood can see the obvious stratification phenomenon;

Tres latera densitatis medium fibrillae non sunt manifestae.Tertia,finally look at the nature of the material,pulverem magnam habet fortitudinem,valde bona difficile,medium density fiberboard material is more uniform,suitable for processing,pretio tabulae particularum minima est,superficie difficile alta est.