Plywood production surface furniture,in custodiente usus special attention should be paid,quia pulchra cum conpleta,si multa aquae fluctus dissipabit plywood causam phenomeno luci aperti.General smudges can be removed with detergent and then wiped dry with a soft,damp cloth.
In addition,in vita cotidiana,maintenance of plywood furniture also has to pay attention to the following issues:
1,plywood mobility should be placed smoothly,ut proficisceret damnationem oculi structurae.
2,nec soli exposere debet,ut proficisceret deformationem.
3,magna vestimenta et altera mobilia,summum cabineti objectibus gravis non potest pressere,Otherwise the door frame deformation is easy to make the door frame.
4,mobiles plywood si fuerunt fragmenti,application of oil ash and pigments mixed flat,ut prohibetur fracturas extendentes,expand.
5,superficie mobilis in caso aquae alkalinae aut stainas,perire aqua tempore,et tunc lux.
6,Don't in the damp,non airy place,in order to avoid plywood furniture deformation deformation.
7,cum aqua alkalina dyentem,stains,mundare tempore,velam.
8,in loco stabile positum est,nolite miscati locum. 9.In mobilibus puris plywood,nolite aqua lavare ut non vulnerarent vulnerationem super faciem lavantis.