Plywood est tres-layer or multi-absque ligno ligno et ligno ligno in ligno tincto,tunc adhesive conclusit.Therefore,plywood in manufacturatione opus plates in specificationibus disponibile sunt,standard sunt.
Let'at what the plywood edge cutting process should pay attention to.
1,quando tracta optimisma aut ventilator in utraque latere pressionis ineversa est aut sequitur latere,et faciet lapidem arcam in latere conculcationis,the emergence of this problem can be adjusted by adjusting the feed mechanism pressure or check the mouth,change saw blade and other methods to solve.
2,secundum pulverem pulverem secundum, quando pulverem pulverem est, non est parallelus in utraque latere..Most of this defect occurrit because the plywood is warped too large before cutting the edges,positio piscinae non est secura,et diametrus nimis magnus est.
Genelde plywood flattening alır ve sonra kenarı görür.,ssuperior check the blade position timely adjustment and replacement of saw blade and other methods to improve. 3,aspectus clampionis aut ardentis phenomena vidit.Mainly due to cutting edge feed speed is too fast,videns pulverem dentem trementem nimis angustum est,pulchra dentes nimis parva est,nimis diligens,velocitas blandiae nimis lenta est,diameter blandem parvus est,duo lapides paralleli non sunt,plywood too thick,too hard and so on.Praecipe hoc problema meliora potest per adjustationem velocitatis nutritionis,change,dentes serratis reficientes,parallelisme kontrol et adequate cooking softening and other measures selecting the parallelism and selecting suitable cooking softening and other measures.