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Quomodo Plywood eligere

2023-11-16 14:14:12

Plywood est unus ex omnibus vasis in vita nostra cotidie et unus ex tres artificiis.Plywood est tres-layer or multi-lapidem ingenuitatem lignorum,aut tres-layer edgy sheet that is cut in thin wood by a wooden piece and then made with adhesive glue.

Ecce's quomodo eligere plywood:

1,glue strength.You can use a culter to pry open the bonding plate along the adhesive layer to observe the remaining traces of wood wire on the adhesive layer.

Si reliquum est lignum super superficiem peeling,indicantes qualitatem plywood melior est,si folium pulcherrimum secundum pulcherrimum,superficie adhesiva lignum reliquum non videre potest,providens quod fortitudo ligni non perfecta est,sed layer adhesive deleta est,quod indicat quod fortitudo pulvere pauperum est.

2,paper size.

Cannot buy thicknesspaper size missing catties short two serious plywood.

3,formaldehyde release amount.

Status prohibuit venditionem platearum libertatem formaldehydi plus quam5.0mg/L interior decorationi.

4,aspectus.To choose the surface smooth wood pattern clear,layer glue non potest habere bubulas,layering and other phenomena.Avoide pulsere tabulae,stacking,et platea coronae quae fixerunt de sedibus.Si maior est quam6mmplywood,sed etiam ut determinaret si gradus warp superest,superboard warping degree non potest praeterire0.5%,the first and second-tabula classis praeterire non potest1%,tertia-tabula classis praeterire non potest2%.