4x8 18mmPP Green Plastic Plywood Sheet For Concrete Formwork Advantage: 1.The largest size of the film faced plywood is1250x2500mm,quod poterat diminuere numerum lignorum et crescere effectivitatem opus. 2.pessimum,It is'magis ad altum-aedificationem et pontem elevare...
Birch throughout plywood or birch/Pinae cordis gemini pulcherrima,Pellicula phenolica, qua resistentiam ad glissationem offert. keyboard label-Resistant Film Faced Plywood is made in a similar mode to regular smooth phenolic film faced panels with the additional process of applying a patterned film,metallic press to the face to create the appropriate design. The resulting product provides underfoot traction that is ideal for the floors of commercial vehicles and walkways.