Ut in domo aut in enterprise plywood dicitur ubique esse,similis similis apparentia qualitatis plywood est valde diversa.
In productione plywood quasi omnis procedus in variis gradibus influentiae super calitatem plywood,let'aspicit quid qualitatem plywood influent.
1,Qualitate adhesiva Perfectio sermonis adhesiva resina syntetica adhesiva,composition of the coordination and the glue-proceduram et alteram multitudinem superficiem quadratum.In recent years,domestic plywood with glue and glue adjustment process to carry out a lot of research work,quod non solum multos materiae chemicalorum salvat,constituere produtu,böylece ürünün sonuçları da gelişti.,quod est exercitus progressi tecnologiae.
In productivitate solus utilis synthetic resin performance bonus est,sufficit fortitudo adhesive,ratio distribution is adhesiva rational est,catalyst ex facie stabilis,content and viscosity of resin is appropriate,there is a long period of activity to ensure that normal operation and product indicators meet the requirements.
2,qualitate tabulae singulae qualitate singulae tabulae,Especially its surface state,magnam influentiam habet super fortitudinem luti.
Qualitate tabulae singula in preparatione lignorum et universa-spin plate-proceduram sequitur satis attention,ad bonam lignum tenentem trationem,control the conditions to make the single board indicators in the best value,at the same time should pay attention to the water content and flatness of the single board.
3,plywood plywood Before the glue pressure should pay attention to master the amount of gel application and slab aging two ligamines.Quantitas leprae nimis magna est,costa alta est,et layer glue nimis profunda est,internal stress increases,et lignum facile est penetrare lignum,quanta leprae nimis parva est,non est conducive ad impletionem leprae,layer-mode-effects.Longitudo senectionis adequatur et mutabitur rationale cum climate change.Ut totam folium plateae cordis possit,reduce the core plate stacking,relinquite silvam.Attention to master the glue bar zhong,Pressure reduction speed,Especially in the slab more moisture should be paid more attention.