Plywood, modern decoration industrisinde kullanılan bölge ürünü kullanır.,mainly used on furniture surfaces.
Utrum in domo plywood superabit et superabit,in processo utilis habebit aliquid gradus damnationis ad pulverem,quomodo semper plywood conservare debemus?
1,plywood mobility should be placed smoothly,ut proficisceret damnationem oculi structurae.
2,nec soli exposere debet,ut proficisceret deformationem.
3,non in loco incantato et inventibile positum est,otherwise vulnerable to moisture expansion and bad.
4,magna vestimenta et altera mobilia,summum cabineti objectibus gravis non potest pressere,Otherwise the door frame deformation is easy to make the door frame.
5,mobiles plywood si fuerunt fragmenti,application of oil ash and pigments mixed flat,ut prohibetur fracturas extendentes,expand.
6,in mundatione superficie mobilium plywood,lavare aqua alkalina et aqua boilente,ut proficisceret malum picturam.
7,superficie mobilis in caso aquae alkalinae aut stainas,perire aqua tempore,et tunc lux.Nota quoniam utilis plywood ad faciendum mobilium,in mundatione usus aqua non lavabit,in order to prevent the splint off the glue,general smudges can be removed with detergent,et tunc exsicca molle veste molle.