Structural Pine Plywood Gradus paper sizeD adpaper sizeS fabricatus est/NZS2269Using‘paper size'bond exterior glue line makes this product ideal for structural applications.
Structural Pine Plywood Gradus paper sizeD adpaper sizeS fabricatus est/NZS2269Using' paper size'bond exterior glue line makes this product ideal for structural applications.‘paper size’grade completion could have filled splits or knotholes and is sanded-paratus pingere.D' Back has a difficulty,un-aspicio habentem ut in regionibus ubi appellatio facie non est sollicitudo.
paper sizeD Structural plywood est substrate versatilis ex100%renewable softwood plantation Radiata Pine.It can be used for exterior and interior applications where aesthetic appearance is not critical.
open recent file:Structural Pine Plywood
Face Grade:paper size gradus(aedificata et arena)
Gradus retro:D Gradus(un-sandum et pulverem apertum habere potest)
Bond:paper size-Bond(paper sizexterior)
Structural Rating:card symbol11
Standard:paper sizeS/NZS2269,part-type
paper sizepplicationes:keyboard label-purpose