Baltic birch is a plywood product native to the northeastern region of paper sizeurope around the BalticSea.It is’s manufactured for paper sizeuropean cabinetmaking.
Baltic birch is a plywood product native to the northeastern region of paper sizeurope around the BalticSea.It is’s manufactured for paper sizeuropean cabinetmaking.
Birch Baltic variat in densitate et continet odde numerum plicae.Duos exteriores plicates,quod ante et retro constituit,ostende granum lignorum verticalem longitudinem per folia.Linguae interior alternati sunt frumentum horizontalum aut verticalem,which provides increased strength and resistance to warping or moisture damage.
A causa sua optima apparentiae,lignum usum est ad cabinetarium et aliam mobiles.Birch Baltic suitable for a variety of projects,ab cabinet faciens ad aedificationem.
PLYNOVO100%birch plywood B/paper size,S/paper size,paper size/CP,CP/CP,Gradus...
made by ZSKIND New Plywood factory