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How long is the best time for Plywood Storage

2023-11-16 11:15:19

Plywood widely used in a variety of furniture manufacturing,dilecti a hominibus,sed,post emerem plywood,timely storage conditions,plywood will also have a storage validity period,tunc,Plywood storage best time is how long?

Plywood has the optimum life and service life,ita ut et in storage procedentibus aut quando utilizat attention ad usum et storage periodum,usus maxima vita lapidium in tempore depositae non duobus mensibus excedere debet.Plywood requirements storage environment must ensure dry and ventilated,oleo evadere debet,substantia corrosiva simul posita,et bene opus pluviae et aquae.

Notabitur quoque longum-et erit terminus depositionis pluviae propter humilitatem in aere ut cresceret aquam pluviae,et sic effectum fisicam tabulae et qualitatem folii.

Therefore,recommended that the best date of plywood should not exceed60dies naturali,quod est,duobus mensibus,plywood maximum storage time of not more than6menses,suitable storage time,help to protect the quality of plywood,more conducive to later use of products.Altior est pulchra deposita optima tempus est quanto totum saturum,in summary,ut qualitatem utilis et aedificationis qualitatis,Plywood est melior in duobus mensibus ex bibliotheca plywood ex warehouse ut utilizat.